DECISION No. 20 OF NOVEMBER 7, 1996 ON CC No. 21/96
On September 25, 1996 a group of 50 MPs of the 37th National Assembly filed a challenge of the constitutionality of the Law on the Agricultural Land Ownership and Use (LALOU) in their content and editing vis a vis the Law on the Amendment to the Law on the Agricultural Land Ownership and Use (LALALOU, DV, No. 79/1996).
The challenge covers: the section of Clause 2 that changes and re-edits Art. 7 para 1 of the LALOU regarding the word "compensation"; Clause 5 items 1,3 and 6 that change and re-edit: Art. 10 para 1, Art. 10 para 7 of the LALOU and creates a new paragraph 12 of Art. 10 of the LALOU; Clause 8 which changes and re-edits Art. 11 para 4 of the LALOU; the section (4) of Clause 10 which changes and re-edits Art. 14 para 8 of the LALOU, the section of Clause 12 item 1 that changes and re-edits Art. 17 para 3 of the LALOU and Clause 20 which creates Clause 2a of the Additional Provisions of the LALOU.
The Constitutional Court found Clause 2 of the LALALOU in the section that changes Art. 7 para 1 of the LALOU concerning the word "compensation"; Clause 5 item 3 of the LALALOU which changes Art. 10 para 7 of the LALOU anticonstitutional and ruled down the remaining part of the challenge.