Philip Dimitrov
Date and place of birth: March 31, 1955, Sofia. Education: Faculty of Law, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia (1977). Specialization in Woodrow Wilson Center (2003). PhD in Political Science at New Bulgarian University (2010). Law practice for a period of 20 years (between 1979 and 2015, with breaks). Founder and Secretary of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria (1989 – 1990). Lecturer at: the American University in Blagoevgrad (2002 - 2008), University of Toronto, Canada (2007), Christopher Newport University, Virginia, USA (2008-2009), New Bulgarian University, Sofia (2015). Member of the XXXVI and XXXVII National Assembly and Vice-President of the XL National Assembly. Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria with the United Nations (1997 - 1998) and the USA (1998 - 2002) and with the European Union in Georgia (2010 - 2014). Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria (1991 -1992). Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Georgia, Tbilisi (2014). Author of political and politico-legal studies and historical novels.
Appointed Constitutional Court Justice by the President of the Republic (2015).