Vladislav Slavov


Date and place of birth: April 18, 1947, Sofia.

Education: Faculty of Law, at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia (1974). Internship as a judge at the Sofia City Court (1975-1976); legal adviser and senior legal adviser at the Ministry of Metallurgy and Ores and Minerals (1976-1983); senior legal adviser to the Non-ferrous Metallurgy Corporation and of the Ministry of Metallurgy; arbitrating judge in business-to-business disputes and in- house disputes (1983-1987); arbitrator at the Supreme State Arbitrage (1987-1991); prosecutor and deputy chief prosecutor at the Chief Prosecution Office (1991-1996); Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court (1996-2003).

Specialization courses: in the United States in securities and judicial control, tax and administrative justice, judicial administration and court procedures; in the Netherlands on the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Chairman of the Union of Jurists in Bulgaria; member of the governing body of the Legal Initiative for Training and Development Association, Varna.

Awarded with the Order of Stara planina in the First Order by the President of the Republic (Decree 340/2007).

Elected Constitutional Court Justice by the General Meeting of Judges from the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court (2003).